Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dr.'s appt

Nic had his follow-up appointment. After loosing 5 lbs in 7 days last time, he actually gained 3 back. Hurray!!!
Thank you all for the delicious food, snacks, treats and drinks! I know it helped him.
The chemo effect seems to have died down a little. Yesterday, Nic mowed the lawn, and played 2 games of basket ball, all after working almost a full day. So it looks as though every other week will be an Okay week. His white blood cell count was down as they had suspected it to be, but not anything too terrible. He has even been playing the drums a little today, wahoo!
All his surgery incisions are healing up nicely, and he is getting used to the port.

1 comment:

Monica said...

That is SO GOOD. I am glad to hear it! We haven't even mowed our lawn yet so Nic is one step ahead of us. Good for him!:)