Thursday, April 23, 2009


So, I'll be getting a new phone. This one has been dropped for the last time.
If you try to call me- I may or may not get the call, when I do get them, it's hard to talk, because I have to hold the phone together.. I'll be getting insurance on the next phone.


Jess said...

ouch! Yeah, I think you need a new one. Greg had to finally get a new one after I washed his for the 3rd time. He never empties his pockets and I never check before I do laundry.

Our Family said...

I don't check Nic's either. But it's his wallett that gets washed over and over, sometimes his keys.

Unknown said...

I wish I had an extra to give you... I'm sure you'd break it anyways. Damn little things, quickly become part of your body. When you lose or break one, it's like someone cut off an apendage... (hope that's how it's spelled).