Thursday, March 26, 2009

A new day, A new test

So today's test was CAKE compared to yesterdays! The only problem with today's test was that it left Nic radioactive for the evening. The test took about 2 hours, not bad. We go to Davis tomorrow for the other tests.
On the way home Dr. Stennitt called & stated that the Pathology reports were as he thought, Hodgkin's lymphoma-- Still not sure on the stage, that is what today's test will provide him with. We should be getting a port put in on Monday (tentatively) & will start treatment next week as well. Not sure on what day or what frequency, that also depends on the stage. If all goes as planned we will probably need a meal on Monday.. Nothing set in stone yet...


Lisa said...

Amber, we would love to help out. I could take Nic to his treatments and I would love to bring meals. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Lisa

Jess said...

I would love to help you with meals. Please let me know a day!

Anonymous said...

Happy for the good news... better of the two! Nic will beat this in no time! I sent a message with my email to your sister so I can be of some help when needed. Hopefully you guys are handling this all well. I am so relieved it is Hodgkins and I hope everything goes well next week.